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Three out of the recent coal policy came out, in which the coal resources tax ad valorem reform, clean-up charges related to the fund, is reducing the coal production cost, reduce the burden of coal enterprises.


And in the face of the pressure of survival, the coal enterprises also have to increase its cost control efforts, the cost of per ton coal to reduce 30 yuan -100 yuan.


According to a speech Chinese coal industry association president Wang Xianzheng at the end of 7, the loss of coal enterprises have more than 70%, more than 50% enterprises appeared to decrease, owe hair, delayed wages in arrears phenomenon, but also greatly increase the. Faced with the operating pressure, the compression cost has become the main measure of coal enterprises out.


According to the major coal enterprises published data before 2014 8 months, Shanxi Province, one of five major coal group coal group tons of coal cost 320.19 yuan, down 66.81 yuan. Heilongjiang's largest coal enterprises and the Dragon Coal Group 8 months before this year, tons of coal costs fell 33.3 yuan, or 7.7%.


"Now coal prices generally in the think of a way to reduce costs, the cost of tons of coal down 50 yuan is a normal digital, mainly to improve efficiency through reorganization, appropriate to reduce some artificial cost to achieve." A large state-owned coal enterprises management personnel said.


The gradual abolition of intermediaries


In order to control costs, the major coal enterprises to develop a series of descending of the strategy.


A Yang coal group internal documents obtained by twenty-first Century brokerage reporter, 2014 1 to May, Yang Coal Group coal tons of coal cost to achieve 333 yuan, down 67 yuan. And just released data show, the tons of coal costs continue to fall, the first 8 months of 320.19 yuan.


According to Yang coal group planning, cost per ton of coal will be further compressed. Put forward the Yangquan Coal Group Director Zhao Shiping in an internal meeting, this year's goal is to put the cost of coal per ton of coal dropped to below 300 yuan, part of the mine drop to below 250 yuan, Jin Bei company dropped to below 200 yuan.


This means that this year, Yangquan Coal Group will be compressed in tons of coal costs at least 90 yuan or more, compared with other coal enterprises, the strength slightly larger. Data show that the first half of this year, Yongtai energy cost per ton of coal - 36% yoy, Xinyuan company before August enterprises tons of coal cost down 66 yuan.


To achieve this goal, Yangquan Coal Group said in 2014 has established a comprehensive cost control system, the centralized procurement, the lowest bid, cleaning affiliated, within the security, the group as a whole to enhance the efficiency of rectification and other aspects of a great deal of work to do. Including the implementation of the purchase price benchmarking management, implementation of the lowest bid; the phasing out of brokers and agents, directly from the manufacturers of batch purchase.


Xinyuan company by reducing production and non production costs to reduce costs. This new company merged in some mining areas, improve the coal recovery rate of mining area, the abolition of special with airway, reduced head, reducing surface, reducing equipment from the design aspect, realizes cost reduction.