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This reporter recently from the fourth session of the ECF Asia Shale Gas Summit (Shanghai) forum was informed, shale gas China has entered the stage of independent technology, initially formed a long horizontal well optimized and fast drilling technology and fracturing test gas engineering technology and a series of independent technology and standard. It is reported, this is the commercial exploitation of shale gas opened wide blueprint, because it means that, China become the American and Canada, the third can use independent technology and equipment for commercial exploitation of shale gas in the country, the development of the cost will be greatly reduced.


No progress of engineering technology, there is no shale gas field. All the time since, Chinese are realized through the exploration and exploitation of shale gas in the introduction of foreign technology. Now, this situation is changing gradually.


Deputy director of special operations division Xue Chengjin Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Technology Service Co Ltd in Fuling shale gas as an example, describes the process of Chinese marching in shale gas exploration and mining technology in the. He pointed out that, at present China initially formed a long fast drilling technology, horizontal well fracturing test gas engineering technology, waste liquid and oil base drilling cuttings processing technology as well as the bridge plug technology, China shale gas development is gradually stepping into the stage of independent technology.


The autonomous technology adopted, means that the cost of shale gas exploration and development will be greatly reduced. Xue Chengjin said, the bridge plug for underground horizontal well segmentation section, the price of the introduction of independent technology of bridge plug bridge plug is only 1/3 foreign, domestic only this one technology can save a lot of cost.


However, to achieve large-scale industrialization exploitation of shale gas, also need to tackle key technical field. Xue Chengjin said, Sinopec second 5000000000 party rock gas reservoir buried deeper, the current technology can not meet the development of deep shale gas, in urgent need of research supporting. At the same time, the exploration of shale gas mining technical economic optimization but also must continue to try hard.


NDRC Energy Research Institute of energy economics and Development Strategy Research Center Director Zhang Yousheng said in the forum, new condition under the Chinese economy is reflected in the energy consumption and energy structure, natural gas will become the main force near the middle of the adjustment of energy structure, by 2030, the 550000000000 party in China's natural gas demand will exceed, because the domestic routine natural gas development potential is limited, which brings the opportunity for the development of coalbed methane, shale gas and other unconventional natural gas.


However, some experts also said, shale gas development bottleneck in cost, environmental protection, technology, standard, facilities etc.. Production target Chinese shale gas in 2020 to 30000000000 cubic meters. In order to speed up the shale gas industry development, the relevant aspects should accelerate the deepening research on the standard system of shale gas, shale gas resources evaluation, from the aspects of drilling, well control, fracturing, environmental protection etc., basically completed standard chain system of shale gas in China the whole industry in three to five years.