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JMAKT (Beijing) cleaning equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999,  is "Chinese water jet Professional Committee of vice chairman of the unit," cleaning industry association member, which has 35 history, in China. After 20 years of development, JMAKT has been very mature in products produced.
The company is committed to the promotion,which are the product marketing, technology promotion, provide various specifications, Pishi durable products to Chinese industrial and mining enterprises; at the same time, provide a full range of cleaning to the user, a comprehensive solution cleaning and sewage treatment system.
The company's products include all kinds of cold water washing machine, cold / hot water cleaning machine, steam cleaning machine, automatic washing machine parts, ultra high pressure cleaning machine, oil heat washing, pipeline cleaning machine, cleaning machine, the field of sewage treatment system, cleaning equipment and so on hundreds of products; widely used in metallurgy, railway, petroleum and petrochemical, manufacturing, ships, mines, troops and other industries.
The company headquarters in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Chongqing, Lanzhou, Harbin, Wuhan with unrivaled offices around the country, more than 120 partners, formed a complete marketing network throughout the country. The company has the after sale service system to improve the reliability of the fittings comprehensive, adequate supply, be trained with regularity of the repair team, to provide cleaning equipment users reliable guarantee for Al curt cleaning. "True friendship in the sale after the beginning of the concept of" work ", as well as BC user system", "30", the three call system "explain", "24 hours after sale service hotline" after sale service initiatives, is the basic guarantee of products after sale service. The choice of JMAKT, industrial washing machine brand is to choose good.